Steering Clear in Brighton
July 28, 2019
Those who know vehicles believe the steering system may be the most vital component of them all. Perhaps you've found over the years your steering has gotten loose. Or maybe suddenly, your steering wheel has gotten very hard to turn. Let's steer you in the direction of understanding why this may ... More

Exhaust Service at Spartan Tire Brighton: Passing the Smell Test
July 21, 2019
The exhaust system on a vehicle is more complex than most Brighton residents realize. It contains everything from old-fashioned pipes and clamps to sophisticated computers and sensors. All Michigan folks know a properly functioning exhaust system is good for the environment, but sometimes we for... More

By the Numbers: Tire Replacement at Spartan Tire Brighton in Brighton
July 14, 2019
Ever notice that your tire is covered with writing? It's like some hieroglyphic art form. Of course, Brighton drivers know that it's not just graffiti, but to most of us, it might as well be. Would you like to know what all those codes on your tire mean? It won't lead you to buried treasure, but ... More

Hold the Oil! (Oil Pan Gasket Replacement)
July 7, 2019
You've likely heard how important oil is to your vehicle's engine. Did you know that there's one part that's responsible for holding that oil so you can use it every day? It's called the oil pan, and it sits at the bottom of the engine. The oil pan is a vital, though simple, part of your engine's... More